Jen here,



I help women prioritize their well-being to feel fulfilled in their work and life. I aim to inspire and empower women of all ages and backgrounds to embrace their authentic selves, discover their passions, and create a life they love. With a focus on living in the moment and cultivating kindness, compassion, and joy, I am passionate about helping all women live happier, healthier lives. With this work, I believe we, as women, can feel empowered to become our best version, without feeling overwhelmed or burned out.

woman smiling wearing a black shirt leaning on a countertop

A peep into my Story


woman laughing with her head turned and her hand up against a wall with windows wearing a bright neon sweatshirt and blue leggings

As a Licensed Master Social Worker in New York State, working the majority of my 18-year career in healthcare and mental health, I bring a unique, expert perspective to my coaching.

If you look up the definition of a people pleaser, you would have found a picture of me, up close and personal! I said yes to everything and never stuck to my boundaries. I struggled with anxiety and confidence in both my personal and professional life. In the healthcare field, this is a recipe for both disaster and burnout. Both of which I experienced.

Getting to know what was important to me and who I was, allowed me to recognize, “if you’re not first, you’re last.” Today, I have boundaries that don’t get pushed aside. I say “no” like it’s my job (no pun intended 🙃) and surround myself with the most positive people who add value to my life. I have found balance while crushing my goals and not compromising my time or energy.

I constantly hear, “There just isn’t enough time in the day.” I’m here to tell you there is and I can help you find it. I will teach and empower you to take back your day. Lead your day, don’t let it lead you.

I can’t wait to support you on your journey to achieving balance!

My Purpose


It all begins with a dream

I have always dreamt of having the most amazing family…and now I have it. My husband is my inspiration for becoming a Life Coach and I have him to thank for allowing me to grow into the person and Coach I am. We live a peaceful life in Western, NY as foster parents to three beautiful boys that we love with all of our hearts.

Don’t be afraid to be you

This is something that took me a long time to figure out and I am a recovering people-pleaser. I have learned and made mistakes along the way, just like everyone else…today, I’m happy with who I am and the choices I make - one of those choices is being a season ticket holder for the NY Giants!

Building our family one pup at a time

Nola and Lucerne! We named our pups after two of our favorite places that bring us amazing memories. Nola - is where we got married, one of our favorite places to visit. Lucerne (Lucy) was the most beautiful place in Europe we visited for our honeymoon. We can’t wait to go back. Nola and Lucy, completed our family and life would not be the same without them.

What’s with the Bears?

The Native Bear Symbol represents Strength, Vitality, Courage, and Health. The primary meaning of the bear spirit animal is strength and confidence. Standing against adversity; taking action and leadership. The spirit of the bear indicates a time for healing abilities to help self or others. This definition is a true depiction of my life and what I want to do for other women.

Let’s Connect

Together, we will help you gain mastery over chaos and gain calm, productive order in your personal & work life!

love notes

love notes